A company proudly built on kindness (and lunchtime naps)


Right from the start, I have known that I wanted to own a business that I could be proud of, one that makes the best choices it can and considers not only profit or sales, but also our customers, the environment and the people who work for or with us.

Kindness is always the right choice, but it's not always the easiest or the most commercial one. Regardless, we’re committed to making kind decision even when it isn't the cheapest or most profitable option - and we always will be.

So much so, we have changed our legal documents to incorporate an objects clause, legally requiring all directors of the business - now and in the future - to consider a wider stakeholder group in their decision making. That means that for every decision we make, we have to think about the impact on our employees, on our customers, on our supply chain and the people in it, and on the planet.  

Our values

With a Bibevie purchase, you’re helping us to build a better future for all of our babies. You're signalling that the kind choice matters to you; a kind future is important for all of our children. A future where people worldwide are treated well and paid fairly. And one where we all work hard to lessen our impact on the planet.

We run a charitable donation scheme, Gifted with Love, and are diligent about manufacturing our clothing ethically and responsibly. Because it's the right thing to do.

Our mission

Every business needs a reason to be, and ours is this:

To deliver quality, kindly.
To do our best for our customers.
To do our best for our planet.
To do our best for the people impacted by our decisions.

We welcome comments and feedback. And if you’re not completely happy with your purchase or any part of our service, we want to know about that too.

Chat to us anytime (those 2am feeds can be lonely…)